Exam & Evaluation


1. In each academic year, the school will hold the following tests carrying weightage as under:-

FA 1 10% FA 3 10%
FA 2 10% FA 4 10%
SA 1 20% SA 2 40%

(A student is promoted to next higher class on the basis of the combined result of both terms).

2. The objective of the test and the examination is not merely to record the pupil’s achievements but also to assess and identify the needs and the points of weakness and strength. The results disclosed by these tests should be used by the teacher to adapt instruction more closely to the individual’s needs and capabilities of the pupils and wherever necessary, to organise special instruction for the pupils in areas where their individual weakness has been disclosed.

3. Minimum Attendance Necessary for Annual Examination. A pupil may not be allowed to sit in the annual examination if he/she has not put in a minimum of 75 percent of the total attendance of the academic session, including attendance in previous school if the student has been admitted on transfer. The principal is authorised to condone shortage in attendance up to 15% as a special case on medical / extraordinary circumstances.

4. Register of Examination Results. The principal shall maintain a register of examination results in which the consolidated results of all the examinations held shall be recorded, class wise and subject-wise together with a description of the measures taken to remedy the weaknesses disclosed. The question papers, mark sheets and answer books of the half-yearly and annual examination shall also be preserved for one year for reference.

5. The results of the annual examination for Class 3 to 8 shall be declared by the Principal in the last week of March every year.

Assessment Rules

6. The final assessment of a pupil at the end of the academic year shall be based on his total achievements.


7. If a pupil fails to appear either in the half-yearly examination or periodical tests on genuine grounds, he/she may be allowed proportionate credit for such a test or half – yearly examination for the purpose of final assessment for promotion to the next class in the following manner:-

“The marks obtained by the pupil for the various tests, seasonal work and annual examination minus the periodical test or half-yearly examination, which he/she has missed, may be worked out. The total so arrived at, may be proportionately increased taking into account the maximum marks of the missed tests”.

8. For example, for a pupil who has not appeared in the half-yearly examination, the total marks obtained by him on the basis of his annual record may be worked out for the maximum of 80 marks (additional 20 marks being assigned in lieu of his/ her missed half – yearly examination). Thus if the credit for a pupil for periodical test, class work and home assignment and annual examination work out to say, 60 out of 80, the total credit on the basis of the above formula will be 75 marks out of 100 marks.

9. The same criteria shall be adopted for working out credit for any other periodical test which a pupil might have missed on account of illness etc.

10. A pupil, who fails to appear in the annual examination even though he/she had secured sufficient marks in periodical tests and half-yearly examination, will be deemed to have failed in the annual examination and shall not be promoted to the next higher class. Where, however, the absence from the annual examination was due to reasons beyond the control of the pupil, he/she will be given a supplementary examination on order of the Principal. The Principal may at his/her discretion refer such cases to the Managing Trustee whose decision will be final.

Grading System

11. Given below is the grading system that would be applicable:-

Grade ‘A+’ 91% to 100% - Excellent
Grade ‘A’ 81% to 90% - Very Good
Grade ‘B+’ 71 % to 80% - Good
Grade ‘B’ 61% to 70% - Average
Grade ‘C+’ 51% to 60% - Satisfactory
Grade ‘C’ 41% to 50% - Fair
Grade ‘D’ 31% to 40% - Poor

Committee of Moderation

12. A committee for moderation will be set up with at least two and not more than three members besides the Principal. The Principal shall be the Chairman of the committee. The other members will include teachers of arts and science groups. This committee will consider the type of questions to be asked in the annual examinations and also the standard of marking of the answer papers. The committee may meet before the examination papers are set and again they may meet after they are over and the scripts are marked and tabulated to decide the cases of promotion/detention etc., before the results are actually announced. The minutes of ‘Committee of Moderation’ will be approved by the Chairman.

Re-evaluation of Answer Papers in Annual or Other Internal Examinations

13. In case a complaint is received either by the Principal or by the Chairman, Management Committee, in respect of marking of answer papers in any subject, the principal may re-evaluate the paper himself or get it re-evaluated by any other examiner, and after satisfying himself that the paper has been properly re-assessed, inform the guardian of the result of such re- evaluation.

Pass percentage

14. Up to Class VIII. To pass an examination, a candidate must obtain not less than 40% marks in each subject and an aggregate of 45% for promotion. A student failing in one or two subjects may be granted promotion provided he/she has secured at least 30% marks in each of the failed subjects and has an aggregate of 35%.

15. Class IX and XI. A candidate should obtain not less than 35% marks in each subject and an aggregate of 40%. A student securing an aggregate of 40% but failing in one or two subjects by not more than 5 marks will be eligible to take the Supplementary Examination in the failing subject and will be promoted to the next higher class subject to passing this examination.

16. Promotion to Class XII. It is mandatory to pass both both in theory and practical exams separately in Class XI for promotion to Class XII.

NOTE: This SOP is subject to revision to incorporate changing requirement and also implement Government guidelines from time to time.